
November 29, 2012

A gateway to escape

Good day.
This morning I woke up with a good mood.
Although the upcoming event - my assignment has to be redo - ruin my mood a little bit, but I still feel good.

I think it's good for us to not following any plan or rules and just follow our heart, DO WHAT YOU WANT.
Put aside the annoying assignment that I actually planned to do, enjoyed the Running Man's show, had a good breakfast and went to the English group discussion.
With some laughter with my group members, and next went to a copy-whatever-you-can-copy tutorial class, and had my English discussion next.
It's not hard, just have to remember, take a deep breathe, take another deep breathe, and everything will be all right.
Life is not difficult.

Met a friend on the way back to hostel after class and got a free ride.
Life is great.

And soon after that, walked out for a dinner before attending to a night class.
Saw a rainbow on the way out and it cheered me up.
Life is wonderful.

Chit-chat with friends and it's raining.
Skipped the class and headed back to hostel and now I am updating this blog post.

Sometimes we have to be creative and get away from what we had planned before.
Do something out of plan, you will have a surprising good mood too.

1 comment:

  1. [Do something out of plan, you will have a surprising good mood too.]

    Thanks for the shared!! :)
